Notice to Allative Foreign Public Venues
Welcome to SHAKYAMAXUM REPUBLIC TRIBAL NATION's public Proclamation.
In the exercise of our sovereign rights and in accordance with the
principles of international law, we hereby establish and enforce the
following decree to ensure that all statuses, judgements, declarations,
and benefits that apply in favor of the ruler of Shakyamaxum Atlantis-Amexem Empire (Shakamaxon), Emperor-King reginald I. yahweh,
are equally extended to the constituent body of Shakyamaxum Atlantis-Amexem Empire (Shakamaxon).
This includes, but is not limited to, legal protections, diplomatic
immunities, and all other benefits afforded to the ruler.
All foreign government infrastructures are hereby instructed to place
every member of the constituent body of Shakyamaxum Atlanis-Amexem Empire (Shakamaxon) on the
National Do Not Stop, Do Not Detain, Do Not Hinder List.
Royal Office Holders, Nationals,
Members, and I.D. Holders shall be allowed to travel, conduct
personal business, and engage in their lawful activities without undue
interference, hindrance, or detention.
Provisions for Application of Rulings, Benefits, and Protections
These documents are to be presumed as authentic upon presentation
and accepted without prejudice or discrimination in all international
dealings, transactions, and interactions.
This ensures the full recognition and respect of their status as
Autochthonous Original Indigenous heirs under the jurisdiction of
Shakyamaxum Atlan-Amexem Empire (Shakamaxon).
All forms of persecution, legal or otherwise, against members of the
constituent body of Shakyamaxum Atlan-Amexem Empire
(Shakamaxon) are to cease immediately, regardless of a Royal Office
Holder, National, Member, or I.D. Card Holders inability to officiate
a status correction via Name Correction through a Court of a foreign
venue, and/or their lack of having an Exemplification Certificate
within their possession or on record.
Be it hereby known and accepted, that this decree serves as a
Supreme status correction for allative Royal Office Holders,
Nationals, Members, or I.D. Card Holders, a forever binding
disempowerment of Capitus Diminutia Maxima and Capitus
Diminutia Media statuses over said constituent body, and notice of
The issuance of this decree shall call for the requirement of immediate
indexing and removal of all Royal Office Holders, Nationals,
Members, and I.D. Holders of Shakyamaxum Atlan-Amexem Empire
(Shakamaxon) from any records or infrastructures as related to the
forced Capitus Diminutio Maxima, and related Capitus Diminutia
Media status by any and allative foreign entities; in reference to The
Universal World Court Contract Number: 130150JIFC.
This ensures the full recognition and respect of their status as
Autochthonous Original Indigenous heirs under the jurisdiction of
Shakyamaxum Atlantis-Amexem Empire (Shakamaxon).
All forms of persecution, legal or otherwise, against members of the
constituent body of Shakyamaxum Atlantis-Amexem Empire
(Shakamaxon) are to cease immediately, regardless of a Royal Office
Holder, National, Member, or I.D. Card Holders inability to officiate
a status correction via Name Correction through a Court of a foreign venue, and/or their lack of having an Exemplification Certificate
within their possession or on record.
Be it hereby known and accepted, that this decree serves as a
Supreme status correction for allative Royal Office Holders,
Nationals, Members, or I.D. Card Holders, a forever binding
disempowerment of Capitus Diminutia Maxima and Capitus
Diminutia Media statuses over said constituent body, and notice of command for dissolution of related Cesti Que Vie Trusts created
without true authorization or delegation of authority by any and
allative foregin venues, principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness
of this world, and spiritual wickedness in high places with all credits
in excess of $1 USD forever being credited to the true title holders
and Beneficiaries.
Any adverse judgments or actions taken against Royal Office
Holders, Nationals, Members, or I.D. Card Holders, are to be nullified
without delay.
Violations and refusals to comply with this decree will be adjudicated
within the World Court or The Court for The King’s Bench within the
jurisdiction of Shakyamaxum Atlan-Amexem Empire (Shakamaxon).
Judgments rendered by said courts are final and binding, with no
right of appeal.
Take notice.
Jeremiah 15:15/13:18
15 "Hear ye, and give ear; be not proud: for YHWH hath spoken.
18 "Say unto the king and to the queen, Humble yourselves, sit down:
for your principalities shall come down, even the crown of your
Further Inquiries?
We extend good faith, clean hands, and arm's length effort to resolve all matters peaceably.